Friday, March 21, 2014

Nothing Stays The Same

Culture, Relationships, and Technology: All Go Hand in Hand

Group of teenagers using cell phones
Within the past twenty years, maybe even ten, culture in the United States has changed a lot. Think about it, in the 90s people talked, dressed, and followed other fads that were popular during that time.  Today our culture is exponentially different from that one and anyone before it.  Now-a-days everything is centered on technology.  You cannot go anywhere without seeing people on their cellphones, laptops, and any other electric device.  These devices have had such a huge impact on how people communicate, socialize, and connect with the world around them.  People do not even hangout with each other how they use to anymore.  When they are in the same room together they do not talk to each other, everyone sits around on their phones.  They play games, go on social media sites, or watch videos.  When they do talk to one another is not by mouth, it is by text message.  The person could be sitting right next to them; instead of turning their head to talk to them, they use their phone to send a text.  This type of social interaction has become the norm in our society.  Have people become so lazy that they cannot open their mouths to talk or have we become so addicted to technology that we need it to do everything; even as simple as saying hi to someone sitting next to you?    

I remember in my sociology class when my professor told my class a story about how his niece and her boyfriend were sitting next to each other at dinner and were texting each other.  I can understand why they were probably doing that.  They probably were having a private conversation and did not want everyone to know what they were talking about.  In my own experience, I have had text conversations with my girlfriend sitting next to me, but I only do that when we are around a lot of people, and I do not want them to know what we are talking about.  But it does get annoying when we hangout and she is on Facebook, Instagram, or some site like that.  Do not get me wrong I do the same thing sometimes, but it just goes to show you how relationships have changed among people.  I bet you can remember when you were at home and your parents would tell you to get off your phone during dinner.   Telling you that this is family time and you can wait until after dinner to use it.  This is just how culture has become in the world that we know today.  It is a part of the norms that we live by.  Like I said, nothing stays the same.

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