Friday, March 21, 2014

Many ways of social interaction


           Social interaction is defined as the process by which people act and react in relation to others. Social interaction starts as a child. It’s good for a child to interact with their peers at an early age. As a child if you don’t interact with other children in your age group you won’t know how to play when you finally start school. Socializing starts at home with your parents and family. When playing with others it teaches you how to act and react to certain things.  Social interaction is a big part of our everyday life without it no one would communicate with each other. Every day we meet and talk to someone different. If you play on sport teams you interact with many different people of different cultures and races.
            Social interaction comes with roles and statuses. A status is a certain position that a person holds.  Such as a teacher, student, parent, ETC. There are more than one status such as ascribed status, achieved status, and master status. An ascribed status is something you’re born into. An example of that would be Blue Ivy she was born into money and fame because of her parents she didn’t have to work for it. Achieved status is something you had to work hard and get. A nurse is considered an achieved status because he/she worked hard to get where they are. A master status is a status that has special importance for social identity, often shaping a person’s entire life. A Role is something that’s expected of you because of your status. For example as a parent it’s expected of you to teach your child discipline and to mold them into a respectful person.
In today’s society there are many ways that human’s interact with each other besides in person.  We have many social sites where people interact with each other such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Etc. in my opinion people interact more than ever over social sites. Social sites help you meet new people and help you get in touch with people you’ve been looking for. Facebook is where you find you long lost family you haven’t seen or just people you knew when you were younger. Some people argue that social media has connected in new ways
Another way we interact is through phone calls, text messages, Emailing, face time, Oovoo, Skype, and Etc. Texting is a part of almost everybody everyday life. That’s one of the best ways to get in touch with people now days. Emailing plays a big part in social interaction for college students because that’s how teachers expect to get in touch with you.

Many people don’t like to interact with a person they don’t know; some don’t even like to meet new people but that’s a part of life. Social interaction is almost as important as breathing. No one can make it in life without socializing with anybody else. In this world everybody need somebody and that’s when social interaction kicks in. 

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