Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Marriage changing before our very eyes!

The views on a monogamous marriage are stretching farther away from the norms now a days as we see other types of unions being portrayed on t.v and in the news. Polygamy. polygyny, and polyandry are becoming more prevalent to the American eye. Weather we accept the ways that these people live we cannot seem to keep our noses out of their business. Either by judging their values, or questioning weather or not they should be accepted into society. Even though different values are being more accepted in our generation will these ways of life be included in that?

Monogamous marriages have been the norm for many years in North America. The constitution states that a marriage can only be between one man and one woman. We have been following this rule for many years forming what we think are perfect families. That would include one man, one women and their children. In most countries any other type of marriage is illegal. Today we have been subjected to other forms of marriage that most seem to not accept or even try to understand.

Polygamy, polygyny, and polyandry are ways of life that are not common in North America. "Polygyny which is one man having multiple wives is accepted in nations in the Middle East, and Africa"(John J. Macionis, 513). Polygyny is one of the most popular types of polygamy in many regions. Today in America we see on the t.v network TLC a show called Sister Wives. This show demonstrates polygyny showing a man and his four wives and children living their daily lives. When this show came out it was a shock to most Americans culture. Even though we have learned many things about how this family leads a normal life style with certain exceptions, most of us have not come to accept their ways as it is becoming more and more popular in our country. On the other hand polyandry is much more rare and not seen in North America. Polyandry is a women having one or more husbands, which is a complete shock to most men in our society. This is seen in places with difficult farming which can include Indian Societies ( Polyandry or the practice of multiple husbands,Esther Inglis-Arkell). These woman marry many men because the land to farm on is very difficult. So they divide the land into smaller parts and a certain amount of men work on that land with one woman to provide them with kids and to keep up the house.This is very scarce and hardly seen by anyone in our culture, but to these people it is the only way they can get by living not being in poverty. These are many different ways of life and marriage we are sheltered from and we should open are eyes and minds to learn about them.

In our society today it is hard for us to accept different ways of marriage as for the one that we are used to has been drilled in our heads by witnessing many families doing the same thing. As a melting pot society we should learn the ways of other people and not judge their culture. If polygamy, polygyny, and polyandry are not hurting us as individuals why should we shun them from our society. We should not shelter ourselves or our children from learning different ways of life. Our generation is vastly changing our views on society are much more welcoming to marriage of the same sex. Why can't we seem to allow polygamy,polygyny,and polyandry into our lives?

prophet & sister wives


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