Thursday, March 20, 2014

Breaking down the basics of culture

In a nut shell culture is how we believe life works, it molds the way we behave and it is dived by members of a society. Culture is man made and was created for humans to have their own norms, values and beliefs. Humans tend to adapt to their surroundings to survive this is an example of culture being evolutionary. I believe that culture is revolutionary, its always changing whether its the new iPhone which is material culture or a new dance which is non-material culture. Us humans tend to experience culture shock when faced with unfamiliar surroundings. This tends to lead to many stereotypes, for example people assuming every Muslim that wears a scarf is a terrorist. We judge people who aren't dressed the way we are because we are trained to know our norms. Those are rules that guide human behavior like stopping for a stop-sign. We are trained to act certain way to fit in with society. There are many types of culture there's high culture which are the rich/classy people, very small percent. We also have pop culture which are the middle in low classes. Then finally we have the sub culture and counter culture, sub culture are preppy and accepted while counter culture are more like hippies and considered outsiders. Both tend to separate from the major groups but only one accepted. 

Values are another branch of culture. They are the principles in which a  a person believes he/she should live their life. There are many conflicts between values because everyone's different. For example boyfriend and girlfriend are dating and one wants to have sex but the other persons values on sex before marriage could be different and that leads to conflict. Values are usually taught when then your a kid by parents or guardians but sometimes change as we grow older and have our own view on life. Values are bigger than just a couple or family values. Countries have their own values like the U.S we put a lot into our militarily whereas other countries could care less. Beliefs are specific statements people hold to be true. Religion or symbols that carry meaning like a cross are beliefs. This is another break off of culture many people have their own beliefs and these are again taught to you at a young age but do change as people get older. I see culture in my everyday life and sometimes I do run across people making fun of others because their not considered culturally acceptable. When I do catch my friends or somebody I know doing it, I let them know their wrong and that it can acceptable somewhere else. For example how would I feel if I wen to another country and did something that I felt was alright but got made fun of for it. I believe that we should start being more open minded to culture not just our own.

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