the beginning of time some African Americans were broken apart and the ideas
from Willie Lynch had a lot to do with it. From the website link there was an
original letter he gave to the plantation slave owners’. It was called “Making
of a Slave” and it has carried on throughout generations and unfortunately his
points are still relevant. For an
example, he explained how old man vs. young man, man vs. woman, light skin vs.
dark skin, and simply calling each other “niggas”. Think about it … men are
paid more than women in society, black people have a “Team Light Skin” and
“Team Dark Skin”, and the work “nigga” was to insult African Americans. In my
opinion, I feel that Willie Lynch Letter is still in effect because I hear
black people all the time call each other “niggas” and I hear it in rap songs.
I feel that black people should not be upset if a different race calls them a
“Nigga” because if your own race can do it …others can too.

Willie Lynch’s letter still reinstates the problems in the
black community ranging from light skin vs. dark skin, old vs. young, and male
vs. female. We as a culture has not risen from this mental enslavement from our
minds and I quote Wilie Lynch stated “Keep the body, take the mind”. He also
wanted to concentrate on the future generations. Willie wanted to make a strong
establishment on the generation that he was in so it could carry on throughout
the future generations of slaves. As a result black people as a whole has become
divided and continuously enslaved mentally; and he has won with his opinions
and observation because hundreds of years later African Americans are still
doing what he said we would do.
By: Gabrielle Barnes
great post, lots of great information.