Friday, March 21, 2014

A Self-Publishing Culture

Today's culture is very diverse because of our country's past. America was known to have the American Dream, anyone with any cultural background had the the freedom to live their life. Different cultures have different beliefs and values. But in America differences were not suppose to matter, there was hope for a chance of equality. Culture shapes a person and defines who they are, such as the language they speak or the norms they follow. America is one home for many different cultures, but unfortunately equality does not exist as much as we hoped it would. Most people are trying to gain equality and change the look on culture diversity. For a better understanding of culture then take a look at the website Community Tool Box. 

Many people have a different outlook on culture diversity. Children grow up by the culture they were born into, but as they grow up they explore different cultures. They may even change their beliefs and values someday in their future. Even though culture is part of America's inequality there are ways to encourage change. Even at the college I attend, NIU, there are groups to try to improve our societies equality. But not just at NIU are there groups, all around the world people are working towards change. Freedom does exist in culture but that does not mean inequality does not exist. To find ways that people are trying to build equality within cultures visit the website Culture Diversity in the United States. 

As a child I did not notice the impact of culture diversity. In environment I was raised in I was taught to accept anyone and the way they lived. But in middle school I started to realize that not everyone was same or even close to it. Growing up in a small town did not have as many benefits as going to a large high school would have been. But still in high school cultural diversity did not have an large effect on my life. Not until I went to Paris last summer did I notice how different cultures could be. My knowledge on the variety of cultures we have has grown since I left for college as well and will continue to grow as I experience more different cultures.

Websites to visit:

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