Thursday, May 1, 2014

Divorce:The Solution or the Problem?

Sarina Munoz

Who is to say that Divorce is the problem or the solution to a complicated marriage? In today’s society divorce is socially acceptable. Divorce is not viewed as morally “wrong” anymore because society’s morals have changed from the 1960’s. The 1960’s was a time where traditional families were expected, upheld, and valued. A traditional family is when a man and woman get married, have children together, the father goes out and works while the mother stays at home with the kids, cooks, and cleans. Over the past century, the divorce rates have tripled. According to Furstenberg, Cherlin, Etzioni, Popenoe, and Greenspan, there are six causes of divorce in a marriage.
They are individualism is on the rise, romantic love fades, women are less dependent on men, many of today’s marriages are stressful, divorce has become socially acceptable, and a divorce is legally easier to get. The cause that I believe to be the most important is how divorce has become socially acceptable. People are less likely to discourage people from getting a divorce because conflicts are so apparent. Divorce no longer carries the mark of disgrace because people’s morals have changed. Now people believe that marriage can not only be between man and woman but man and man, woman and woman, and for people with any type of sexual orientation.
An instance of how divorce is so easily used today, is the divorce between celebrity Kim Kardashian and NBA basketball player Kris Humphries. Kim and Kris were married for a mere 72 days before they decided to get a divorce. At first, people were outraged at the stupidity of their marriage and their choice to get divorced. Then, people moved on and accepted/justified the divorce by not paying attention to it anymore and by accepting the fact that Kim and Kris were not happy in their marriage. The fact that Kim and Kris were so quick to go to divorce instead of work on things further is a prime example of how people’s morals have changed over the past century. In 1960, Kim and Kris would have been more discreet on their divorce because of the shame that people placed on divorce.
In conclusion, I believe that divorce is a problem more than it is a solution. I feel that people are so quick to give up on each other and themselves. By having the choice to divorce their partner so easily and by society accepting it, people will become too comfortable in giving up on things. It is true that not everything lasts, but it is also true that nothing is worth having unless you work for it. Divorces do not only affect the spouses in the relationship but the children as well. Divorce can cause emotional and behavioral problems for the children and can also raise the chances of dropping out of school and getting in trouble with the law.

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