Friday, May 2, 2014

The Issues of Gender Stratifications (Chapter 13)

The Issues of Gender Stratifications

I believe that Gender inequality is been serious for ages. I cant say that it hasn't change but it is still an issue. Before women could not work. They had to stay home watch the kids, clean the house and cook dinner. Now is a little more different women can now go to school to have a great education because before they couldn't. Now that this has come to an opportunity for women to stand out. This is could be the reason why sometimes women do better in their education because they know that if they have an opportunity they are not going to let it go to waste.

When we were discussing about women getting 87 cents from the dollar that a man gets. I wonder why it is like that. Women should be treated the same way as men. If a woman wants to work in a hard job like caring more than60 pounds let her be. Then again the are still seen as minority because they are women.

According to Player, 'In recent reports 2.4 million unemployment women said that they want to find employment, and nine out of 10 people want to see men and women equally represented in leadership positions." This tells everyone in society that this stratification needs to stop and let women have same rights as men. Its crazy that how much women can do if it was like that. A lot of men would be surprised. Now in days men see women as object and that is bad they should be able to see women as being capable of doing anything in life.

I can easily connect to my life story because I had seen inequality in my high school. I was in my last year of my high school career. I was in the wrestling team. Before wrestling season started I was talking to my coach about the season with all the guys there. It felt like a meting. A young lady stop by to ask the coach if she can join the wrestling team. The coach right away told her that he couldn't. I felt like speaking out and tell him that he should give her a chance. He finally changed his mind and told her that she can try out. I was so mad with the fact that he thought about it for second.This shouldn't be thought of it should be a positive answer.

Another life experience that happened to me was at work. I had just been hired to work in a super market store before my job that had equality. A woman was getting interview for a job position as well and had to put her in the cashier but she wanted to be in the stock department but she couldn't because she was a female and only men could work in that department. This one of the reasons why I left the job because these people I was working for were not equal. It is shocking to see that society has brought inequality and haven't changed completely.

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