Friday, May 2, 2014

Sexual Change in a Modern World

Sex is quite a large topic in our day to day lives. No matter what the personal preference, one is constantly stigmatized by society based of how they do or do not fit in. Sexual preference and acceptance varies from generation to generation and from place to place. While some give biblical reasons for one set of patterns and others are more free spirited in what they see fitting, no matter the viewpoints on it, society gives many people different views. And the largest, most controversial topic of our modern age is of gay and lesbian people.
The traditional viewpoint of homosexuality is that it is sinful and morally wrong. Because of their upbringing many older people, who grew up in a more conservative time period feel this way. These people went to church as they were supposed to. Many people followed the Bible’s views on homosexuality. It says, multiple times, that homosexuality is sinful. However, it also says that wearing two different types of fabric is wrong, as is divorce which half of all marriages fall to. Because of these other illogical actions in today’s modern world, many are taking a more relaxed approach to homosexuality.
Each new generation has become more and more accepting of homosexuality than the last. It is not seen as taboo as it had been previously. Because of this more and more people are more willing to “come out of the closet” and will receive less stigmatization than those before him or her. That is why there seems to have been an explosion of homosexual people within the last generation. More people aren't just deciding to become gay, they are more willing to be who they are because society has become a more accepting place for them.
Overall society has become more and more accepting of homosexual relationships over the past few decades. I believe that within the next couple decades homosexual people won’t be stigmatized at all because those old conservative people against it will have passed away and the more accepting generations will take their place in the voting. Some states are still having trouble gaining acceptance, especially in the South where traditional values are greater aspects of life. But, once the younger generation becomes able to vote, there will not be the same struggle.
So until then, the only way to end the stigmatization of these people is to keep protesting and bringing the issue to the public’s eye. The more a group of people know of a topic, the more likely they are to vote in favor of it. The public views of homosexuality have led to greater and greater acceptance.  After all, the US was built on a system of equality and every other minority group that has struggled throughout the past generations have managed to achieve a more equal standing. It is only a matter of time until there is no prejudice against these people based on their sexual preference.  Home of the famous Westboro Baptist Church known for gay bashing   A site focusing on the positives and negatives of allowing homosexual people marry within this country

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