Friday, May 2, 2014

Free To Marry

Everything has to struggle with how society thinks it should be. Gay marriage has been an issue lately. The argument if gay marriage should be legal because some people don't agree with the sexual orientation. Some may say it goes against what the Bible says or it isn't how society should act. However over time acceptance towards homosexuality has been increasing. College students today argue that people should be able to marry whoever they choose. But older people disagree and think gay marriage is wrong.

A website that I found states the basic pros and cons about legalizing gay marriage. The biggest argument about gay marriage is going agains "tradition". But as it is said in the textbook, somethings are starting to change because things evolve over time. However, a pro towards gay marriage would be allowing society to evolve. Homosexuality would become part of the norm and not considered to be breaking "tradition" anymore.

In my opinion gay marriage should be legal in every state. Both sides of the argument and good points. However society is changing overtime and we all need to accept it and allow the change. Everyone has the own right to live their life as they choose, especially when it comes to relationships and commitment.

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