Friday, May 2, 2014

Analyzing the effects of Gender in the U.S.

For years now I’ve thought the same way that many people have about gender. I always thought that gender was basically that you are either female or male but really it’s about the personal traits and social positions that people in society attach to being either female or male. This being said, gender has been on a constant change because as new generations come in, they are starting to add different aspects of traits and behaviors that belong to each sex.
               One of the biggest issues regarding gender, is gender stratification. There are a lot of inequalities regarding wealth and power between men and women. For example, women see a lot of negatives when it comes to having equality in the work force. Many women are sometimes seen as weaker and not as intelligent just because they carry those women qualities. And because of this, women are known to get paid less than males even when they have the same exact qualifications as them. According to the National Women’s Law center, “the typical American woman who works full time, year round is paid only 77 cents for every dollar paid to her male counterpart.” This statistic is absolutely mind boggling. How does being a woman give you the disadvantage to be paid a whole 23 cents less than a man? 
                Gender roles is also another thing that causes conflict within society. Over many decades, society attached different manners and activities to each sex. For example, men are supposed to play manly sports like football and Hockey were as women are supposed to be either cheerleaders or dancers. Now if a woman tried to play a man’s sport like football, they are judged because it goes against the cultural norm and society links men and football together not woman and football. These types of issues arise a lot within school. Many kids are being picked on because they are not embracing those gender roles that are set within the society. I personally went through problems in grade school and middle school because of the way I acted. All my life I knew I was gay and because of that I acted in what people said was more of a ‘gay’ manner. I was able to dress so well so because of that my sexuality was questioned. Most people believe that guys aren’t able to dress nice so sometimes whenever society sees a man who can dress well, they start to question them.
                After learning about gender stratification in Chapter 13, I was able to put the different pieces together of what I’ve noticed in society about gender and what I learned in lecture. I know that gender is a really big aspect in everyday life. It causes a lot of inequalities and problems within society. These problems will not get fixed until people stop trying to attach all these different attitudes and behaviors to a certain sex. This being said, I honestly don’t see much changing within the next couple of decades, but there is a change if we start changing the way we think about gender.

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