Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Human Boomerangs

            Everyone goes through move in day at college, I'm not talking about moving all of your possessions into your brick box of a room, I'm talking about the inevitable tears from your parents seeing you finally leave the nest.  This was the story for me on my freshman move in day.  Deep down I knew my parents were happy about being rid of me for the next nine months but it's still hard to see their son leave the nest.  For many of us college is the kick in the pants we need to move out of our parents home and start a life on our own in the world, but for some the become a human boomerang, also known as a "Boomerang Child".
            Websters defines a boomerang child as: "a young adult who returns to live at his or her family home especially for financial reasons." In my family I have two examples of so called boomerang children.  My cousin who is now 25 years old still lives at home with his family and shows no signs of ever leaving.  When he graduated high school he tried the whole college thing at a local community college and soon lost interest.  He now works for an air conditioning company and makes more than enough to live healthily on his own.  Instead of doing so he is happy living at home having his parents treat him the same way they have since he was a little kid.
            Me on the other hand, I was very happy to get my own place while going to college and begin living on my own.  I pay my own bills, work for a living, and have no plans to go live back home.  Seeing my cousin still live at home put the family beliefs section into real life perspective.  More precise the lecture that was based on families of different races, and religions than mine.  I always thought that people lived at home into their 30's because they were too lazy to cut it on their own, but it was presented to me that other races have this as a belief.


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