Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Gender Inequaltiy

Over the past years women have been stepping up in the working world. They have been getting an education and degrees to support themselves in their careers. Even though women have gained more rights over the past decade to allow them to work, vote, and have a say in their lives they are still treated unequally to men. These inequalities need to stop. Women on many levels are equal and even superior to men in some aspects of life.

The biggest inequalities with women and men are in the workplace. In the past till now women's roles were supposed to be in the home. They were supposed to have the children and stay at home raising them, doing all of the household chores while the man of the family goes out and works all day. Even though that role has changed slightly for women they still encounter many inequalities. The substantial difference in pay is astonishing. Women get paid 77 cents to the dollar that men get paid (Bloomberg Business week). This is completely wrong. I do not see how it is fair to pay women less doing the same job as men and they have the same education level. Most of the excuses are, that men have to support their household  but in the recent studies they have shown that there are more and more single women supporting families now a days. The divorce rates have sky rocketed in the past years and many women now have to support themselves and their family. On the other hand, what if a tragic event happens to the father or he does not stick around to take care of his family.  How does society expect women to support her family and a household by herself if she does not get the equal pay she deserves? Studies also have shown that women have now surpassed men in the college level and are now earning more degrees than men. With that information women should be getting paid equal and or more than men showing that they are more highly educated and have earned the right to and equal pay. Also, inequalities are not just in pay, they are in the job market. You see very few women holding high power jobs, such as CEO's, owners of professional teams, and in the political world. A man dominating the workplace needs to be justified. Women need to be seen as clever and just as resourceful as men are in the workplace. As I said earlier women are getting the same if not more of a higher education than males, so they should receive an equal chance to achieve those jobs. If we do not let women have equal pay and hold equal level jobs how are we supposed to achieve equality in the workplace and view women as equals?

Women in the workplace are undervalued! They need to be treated and paid equally to men. They show great improvements in education and knowledge and deserve to get treated with the same respect and value as men do.

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